Friday, June 8, 2012

When Is the Absolute Best Time to Be In Network Marketing?

NOW! Network marketing is the prime business to be in during recessions. Instead of bitching and complaining over the slow economy, you should be grateful for this time because it is an even bigger opportunity to recruit people into your business. Why? Because there is tons of uncertainty in the economy today. People are actively searching for alternative ways to make more money and you can be there to offer them the solution. In fact, when the economy is doing well, it can actually be harder to sell people on network marketing. When the economy is vibrant and booming, people's jobs are secure so they really don't have a need to search for alternative sources of income. When you pitch people your network marketing company during a booming economy it is seen as too risky. Why would they go out and get into this shady "pyramid scheme" when they can safely stay in their jobs where they have guaranteed income? And while you and I may understand that this in no way is a "pyramid scheme", the fact is there is no incentive for them to try something different when things are going well for them at what they are already doing. ON THE OTHER HAND....when the economy is in a recession people are losing their jobs, companies are going out of business, and peoples' 401k's are losing their value fast. Now don't you think introducing your business during these times is 10x better than when people are sitting comfortable in their jobs? Don't you think people are more motivated to replace their income during these tough economic times? You don't think they'd be willing to take a risk on this formerly called "pyramid scheme" in order to recover some of their 401k losses? OF COURSE THEY WOULD! But you have to be ready and willing to go out their and hunt for those people. You have to take it upon yourself to present network marketing to more and more people who need it more than they ever have. Your fear of talking to prospects isn't helping anyone and if you sincerely believe, as I do, that network marketing is one of the absolute best models for business, then you should have no hesitation to go out there and introduce as many people to your business as possible. You are doing them a favor by showing them this business model. If you truly care about helping people, then you will not hesitate to present this opportunity to them. So the next time you complain about how difficult it is to grow your network marketing business, just remember that you're doing this in the most opportune time in decades and if you can't do it now, there's no way you'd be able to do it in a good economy.

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