Monday, June 11, 2012
How to Avoid Calling MLM Leads
OK OK. I admit it - I was a phone junkie. I used to get the jitters if it got to midday and I hadn't made some calls. Call it withdrawal symptoms if you like. If I went for an extended period of time without making a call my guilt COMPELLED me to start 'dialling for dollars' again. And dial I did.
Ringy Dingy 1.
Ringy Dingy 2.
Ringy Dingy 3.
Oh yes - love calling those leads.
And you know something? For a few years I actually convinced myself that I really and truly LIKED calling those leads. Delusional.
But after my wife died last year I started to re-evaluate things a bit. I decided that I would not be involved with work activities that didn't enrich my life. I decided that no longer would I do something just because it made me money. And because of my changed circumstance I came to the conclusion that I did not like making calls to unqualified leads.
I got sick of psyching myself up every day to make those calls. I got sick of talking to people who did not have a clue. Call 'em turkeys, call 'em what you like, but most of these people were value subtractors. So I decided that I was not going to talk to value subtractors any more. I decided that if people were going to talk to me, they had to earn the right to do so.
To do that I needed to build a sales funnel that positioned me as the go to guy for making money online, which is exactly what I've been doing the last couple of months.
Here are some of the features of the sales funnel:
1. Drive traffic to my page
2. Encourage people to opt in to my page.
3. Use email marketing to build relationships with people who opt in.
4. Offer a free consultation in return for respondents satisfactorily completing an application form.
5. Invite people to explore profit making options based on the outcome of the aforementioned consultation.
After spending years calling thousands of leads I have decided to grow a brain and work smarter not harder. What about you? Ready to step up to the next level?
The Wrap Up
So to summarise here is how I eliminated the need to cal leads:
1. Improved My Email Communications. What I've found is that if you establish a relationship with people via effective email marketing, there is less requirement for you to phone the leads early in the sales process. In fact what I do now is require that all prospects complete an application form before I talk to them.
2. Outsourced Phone Follow Up. Hire someone to do the work for you. Simple.
Please note that the above strategies work best when you are generating inbound leads. That is, you are using 'pull marketing' techniques so that people make an enquiry to you. The above strategies do not work if you are an old style network marketer using 'push marketing' techniques, whereby you approach people to look at your business.
Generating inbound leads is a skill worth learning. It will mean that people approach you instead of you have to constantly make calls. First step is to learn about my pull marketing strategy.
Kim Willis has been making 6 figures from home since he started as an online marketer, in 2006. He now helps other people do the same. It starts with leads - generating plenty of them on a daily basis. Get his Network Marketing Tips here.
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