Friday, June 22, 2012

eCosway - Coloring Your MLM World

eCosway is a multi-level marketing business launched in 2002. The company is currently based in Malaysia, and has its US headquarters in Irvine, California. The company markets products for car care, nutrition, personal care, household cleaning, cosmetics and fragrances, cookware, water purifiers, apparel, and food and beverages. The company is among the most popular MLM businesses that are successfully attracting people into the business. Since more and more people struggle to look for ways in earning additional income, multi-level marketing companies are quickly emerging on the horizon to address this problem. These companies promise those who partake in the business fabulous rewards and compensation plans through several different methods that are basically easy to handle. Distributors are individuals who work for the MLM company. Distributors are not paid any salaries for their efforts, but are given commission for their retail sales. They can also be given rewards and compensation for their productivity and the like. Distributors can also exponentially increase their profit by creating a downline organization. This downline organization is basically composed of other distributors that you have successfully recruited into the business. The main distributor who is oftentimes referred to as the upline receives just rewards and bonuses for the productivity of the members of the downline organization. As such, distributors strive hard to create for themselves a downline organization that can help them find success in the MLM industry. Indeed, joining a MLM company can prove to be very beneficial to those who search for new and effective ways to sustain or supplement an income. But being a part of a MLM company is not the only thing that individuals should look into if they wish to become successful in an industry where competition is stiff between distributors. There are basically a great number of methods through which distributors can market the company's products and services, and even attract people into joining your MLM business. There is, of course, traditional marketing that gives just importance to personal communication and relations between the distributor and the clientele. Though already considered as an old-school technique, most people still relay on this method to make both ends meet. They find such method as effective since most are looking for the personal touch in any business, and people will be more likely to partake in your business when you have personally contacted them in any way. Offline marketing is also a traditional marketing method that basically uses tools like flyers and banners to capture the attention of passersby, with the hope of bringing people into the business. There are also those who completely utilize the innovations and breakthroughs brought by technology, and use the Internet as an effective marketing tool for the success of the MLM business. Online marketing is a trend that seems to take the industry by storm, since it is a very easy and cost-effective method that can very well define the success and failure of your MLM business. It basically costs $60 to join the company. The membership fee is generally affordable, and people interested in joining the business can easily join the company. However, it costs $30 annually in order to remain active in the company. People do not have to pay that much so it is very much easy to remain active. Unfortunately, even the distributors that are not pushing through enough sales can remain active just by paying the fee. It would be better if the company would base the activeness of a distributor on the amount of sales and number of distributors recruited into the company. More so, the number of distributors should also be limited so as to give chance to those who are genuinely interested in the business and possess great productivity. Online marketing has become an indispensable aspect of any business. The Internet has truly become something that business owners should fully utilize in order to redefine the MLM business scene and see significant improvements in their own business. Unfortunately, eCosway does not implement any proper online marketing strategy at all. The company seems to overlook the fact that nearly everyone relies on the Internet for the information they need on everything. The lack of a website only shows that the company fails to look into the technological innovations that can have a positive effect on their business. eCosway does not readily provide its distributors website that they can use expand their market reach. Having a personal for their business can exponentially boost any MLM business and help it to flourish more, much to the benefit of the distributor and the company itself. However, if ever the company will be implementing such an online marketing campaign then it ought to limit the number of distributors to receive one so as to lessen the competition and for its distributors to experience the full benefits of using online marketing as a tool. The personal website can be given to those who have remained active in the company for quite some time and have brought in significant sales and productive distributors that have themselves took flight in the MLM company. The world and society has seen significant changes in the short years that have passed. Technology has earned a place in the community that seems to be impossible to usurp by other aspects of living. Technology has transformed the way we did thing and the way we look at them. Several different laborious tasks that once seemed impossible to change or improve have been completely transformed by technology, much to the benefit of society. More so, communication has become much easier. No longer are people limit to come in contact with who they are in close proximity to but can now easily communicate even with those who are physically distant from them. They are exposed to a much wider audience, which inevitably widens their horizons. This can only mean nothing but a wider reach for online marketers who wish to appeal to more people. What is more, the Internet offers many effective methods that can help network marketers improve their business online. These methods are totally cost-effective and provides the network marketer unlimited options for the MLM business. Online marketing is relatively inexpensive as opposed to traditional marketing methods that consume much time and effort from the network marketer. Online marketing grants the distributor many benefits for a fraction of a cost. It is truly an important aspect of the MLM business that every business owner who wishes to find success in the industry should look into. eCosway provides individuals with opportunities to earn. People can easily join the company with the inexpensive cost to become a distributor. However, this only increases the competition since more people are joining the company. This can become a problem for those who wish to earn an income. More so, the lack of an online marketing campaign for its distributors can slow the progress in the business. Distributors should take the initiative of starting an Internet marketing campaign. The problems that surround the company may become an obstacle on your journey to MLM success, but all these can be surpassed when equipped with sufficient knowledge.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Market Research Ideas For Locating Your Target Market

When it comes to building your online business, you have to really think about who you are going to market to, this will be your target market. If you can drill this down you will find success. Target Marketing is fishing in the right pond and using the right bait! Imagine who would the perfect person be that you would pick to work with. If you are trying to market to everyone, you are actually marketing to No One! You must start out with your market research, this will be the foundation, if you don't know who your targeting you are sure to fail. Locating Your Target Market Who are your competitors? What can your product or service do for your ideal prospect? What do they want? What age are they? Are they male or female? What are their problems? What does you ideal prospect think about? What are people buying in your niche? What are their dreams or desires? Now take the above answers and make sub categories below each. Use Google For Market Research I suggest using Google to help you along in your search for your target market. Put your niche topic into the search bar. You can put in Google keyword tool and this will take you to a site where you can get many more relevant keywords for your niche. Now you will come to a page where you are going to start your marketing research, first note the amount of searches, this will be next to the word search. Now look around, usually the top searches are paid as well as the ones along the side of the page. Pick out the top 5 sites, you will want to check them out to see what they are doing. What do their ads look like? What are they selling? You could even go a step further and put their domain name into Alexa. I love this tool, Yep, It is free! You can see how much traffic they are getting and even get a peak at their keywords. Now go and check out the organic searches, these will be everything else on the page. Do the same thing. It is very important to document all of this information, because you are going to come back here and do this again and again. You always want to keep an eye on your competition. This just may lead you to your first JV Partnership, so make sure you keep an eye on what they are doing and do it better. Join Forums For Market Research Once again go to Google and put in your niche, but this time put forum after the word. You want to find an active forum and then join. This will be a valuable resource, not only will you be able to see what everyone is talking about you get to see what your competitor's are up to. Take note of all conversations going on, what problems are they having? What products they like, dislike? Did I mention you get free advertising! Yep, your link is allowed with each comment (make sure you set this up before commenting).

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

GBG: Network Marketing Prosperity Wellness Review

GBG is a privately owned network marketing firm situated in Northern California. The company was started in 1996 by Stuart Finger. The 10-in-One Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Formula is their flagship product. What's Unique About the 10-in-One Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Formula? There are three top features that set these vitamins apart from many of their competitors: The vitamins taste good. Although these vitamins are not the only vitamins on the market that taste good, many other brands do not taste good. If vitamins taste good, consumers are more likely to continue taking them on a regular basis. The vitamins are chewable and easy to absorb. Unless a vitamin is easy to absorb into the bloodstream, the body will not receive maximum benefit. This sets these vitamins apart from much of the competition. The vitamins are affordable. One of the biggest complaints, especially with MLM nutritional products, is that vitamins cost too much. Presently, the 10-In One Formula goes for less than $40 per month. By offering vitamins that are competitively-priced while keeping the monthly minimum low, the drop-off rate, which is a common problem in MLM, is dramatically curtailed. What's In The 10-In-One Formula? The 10-In-One Formula contains: Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Formula with Essential Daily Value Nutrients Cardiovascular Formula for a Healthy Heart Anti-Stress Formula Antioxidant Formula with Age-Defying Nutrients Immune Enhancer Formula to Defend your body at the Cellular Level Memory and Mood Enhancing Formula with Neuro-Nutrients Energizer Formula with No Harsh Stimulants Digestive Aid Formula with Pure Aloe Concentrate Bone and Joint Formula with Sulfur-Rich MSM Vision Support Formula with Lutein Other Products Other products from the company include the One Day Diet Plan, Willpower In A Bottle, MA+ Complex, protein shakes, and protein bars. What's Unique About Their Pay Plan? Stuart Finger also invented a new kind of Pay Plan. Here are a few of the basics. There are 5 ways to get paid: Weekly Fast Start Bonuses for personal customers' 1st orders Monthly Recurring Enroller's Bonus for all personal customers Monthly Recurring Matrix Pay on your whole team's sales Monthly Leadership Bonuses Monthly Profit Sharing Bonus Pool What Is A Pay Point? The concept of a "Pay Point" is unique. Pay Points combine the concept of a Forced Matrix with that of a Unilevel. In your Forced Matrix, you are only allowed 2 customers on each level. After 2, they go to the next level. This helps everyone become part of a team because everyone earns commissions from everyone else in your organization due to spillover. You also earn a second commission on everyone that you sign up, just like you would in a Unilevel.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Is Your Attraction Market Responding Yet?

A network marketing business is an excellent business platform when a company has it set up correctly and its run correctly. Nonetheless many people establish themselves without any formal training in a MLM business. Basically in a MLM business you will be shouldering most of the costs and hard work of marketing your business on and offline. Anyone can be successful in MLM as long as you have a "can do" attitude and willingness to stay the course. Since people are searching for solutions to various problems they are encountering in their business. You need to make certain that you do your research so you can tackle what they are struggling with. The use of marketing techniques expressly designed to teach your prospect what you are doing and how the service or product you are marketing will benefit them, is called Attraction Marketing. Remember you are in the business of building relationship and selling opportunities not selling products. When you offer real time solutions to what people are struggling with. You can then show them a way to improve their MLM business by becoming a person of value. The way you interact and network will give you a greater chance of building your business with perspective prospects. When you offer real value and vision for your prospects you become someone who they can trust and refer to. By looking at your network marketing business in terms of identifying problems and providing answers, you will be able to apply an effective Attraction Marketing campaign. Once you intend to nurture your business in this manner, you should use the full leverage, power and popularity of the internet to invite people and expand your network. Attraction Marketing is an improved approach when it comes to recruiting other network marketers; marketers in the industry already know all the tips and techniques in acquiring prospects. Providing them with help to overcome their pitfalls by offering free training and support by the way of webinars and eBooks. There is always something new to be learned within the network marketing industry and you'll be perceived as a leader that people want to connect with. At the end of the day your success in online marketing is all a matter of creating an Attraction Marketing formula that you can be easy duplicate. Learn as much as you can about Attraction Marketing and literally start 'attracting' people into wanting to do business with you. If you're ready to stop struggling with your business, stop marketing websites that don't convert, stop spending your hard-earned cash on marketing that actually repels your ONLY target market, come see what we're all about...

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Beginner's Guide to Joining a Network Marketing Company

There are so many network marketing companies out there, how do you know which one to join? Well, just like any other business, due diligence on your part is required in evaluating the company. Do not get caught up in the excitement and emotion of a presentation, even though that is what they want you to do. The following are some general guidelines to use when evaluating a network marketing company. They are not hard and fast rules; for example, sometimes getting started with a younger company is worth it if it fits all the other guidelines. However, I thought it would be helpful for you to learn some good qualities of the top network marketing companies so that you can make an educated decision regarding with which company you would like to start, continue, or expand your network marketing career. 1. The network marketing company should be in business for at least ten years. I started with this recommendation first because this is the perfect example of a guideline that is not set in stone. There is a certain comfort level in getting involved in a company with a good track record; you know that if you join their organization, your investment will most likely be a good one because they aren't going anywhere anytime soon. I can tell you that one company I am involved in has been around for 27 years, so I know they are rock solid and I had no fears getting involved in their business model. I can also tell you that I am involved in another business that has only been around for two years; however, I am confident they will be one of those companies that will one day fit this category, because they fulfill all of the other recommendations that follow. Remember this fact: at one point, EVERY network marketing company was a start-up company. 2. There should be a mission statement of the network marketing company along with ethics standards and values. 3. There should be full disclosure about the network marketing company's ownership and financial strength. 4. There should be a quality product or service offered. If there is no product or service offered, then it is an illegal pyramid scheme, and this business will be shut down as soon as the regulating authorities get wind of it. Also, in my opinion, the products should be tested for efficacy, safety, and quality ingredients, and these test results should be made available to the distributors and general public when requested. Another thought on the importance of the product: A tremendous emphasis is placed on the product itself, and you are told you have to use, love and believe in the product. I want you to think about this in a different way though, and this is very important: People purchase products for the results they create, not because of how fantastic the product itself is. Therefore, when evaluating a company based on its products, start by asking yourself questions about them, such as what the goals the customer would be trying to achieve by using the product(s). If you are in alignment with the end result you want to help someone achieve, such as better health through nutritional products, or keeping people and the planet healthy by using green products, then this is a good network marketing company for you to promote. The successful sales person (Yes, network marketers are IN SALES!) achieves his or her success because he/she effectively shows their prospect that the product is the best at solving his/her prospect's own personal, specific problems. 5. There should be adequate training that teaches people what to do and how to do it so that they can become successful within a reasonable period of time. This is usually accomplished through regular live webinar trainings, as well as an archive of past webinars made available to each distributor in his/her back office. 6. There should be a simple, duplicatable marketing system that people from all orientations can follow with a reasonable expectation of success. As discussed in another blog post of mine, it is ideal if this marketing system includes technology that makes it easy for distributors to recruit, sell products, and manage their organizations, and for retail customers to buy products; in other words, if it is an automated marketing system. 7. There should be a fair compensation plan that's easy to understand and rewards both full-time and part-time distributors. Everyone should have the same opportunity for growth at the same pace and intervals in your network marketing business. This plan should not benefit the people at the top more than the people at the bottom. That stinks of pyramid scheme, and it is not a solid network marketing business model. 8. There should be GREAT MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP. I left this one for last because this really is the most important quality in a network marketing business. I am not just talking about those directly in your upline, I'm talking about the majority of those in the network marketing company. You want to align yourself with the best, most knowledgeable, and successful network marketing leaders you possibly can. These people not only are good earners; more importantly, they can lead you to success with their knowledge, their ability, their willingness to help, and the system that they have in place to help you. When you learn from a proven leader, you glean valuable information from all of their experience and talent, which ultimately helps you avoid costly mistakes that are almost certain to occur if you were to learn everything on your own, without guidance. I hope that helps you in your selection process of a top network marketing company. I have learned from the best, and you can too by clicking here to see what my formula is.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Want To Shine In Network Marketing? Try These Bright Ideas!

Multi level marketing is a great idea for your online business. It takes a lot of hard work to get done. A novice might wonder what to do to get started to grow profits. Taking shortcuts when it comes to network marketing isn't recommended because it can cause costly mistakes. Time and effort are the only ways to become successful at your marketing campaign, not cutting corners. When you have quality work and sufficient time involved you are ensuring success in the future. Be certain that you have a firm business plan; however, allow enough flexibility to take the unexpected into account. Determine how much you must achieve within in a given time period, then assess how feasible those goals are. Your business plan should help you figure out how to work these numbers together and still come out with a profit. When you are engaged in mlm, visualization of success is one of your most important tools. Although it sounds generic and trite, seeing your success with this kind of marketing can determine just how successful you can become. If you use positive visualization it will help you immensely in network marketing. Get customers to your website. While this is possibly the most difficult task involved in network marketing, it is also the most critical. Once you have lured a viewer to your page, you have a better opportunity to sell your products, and make this person aware of just how valuable your service is to him or her. To maintain forward momentum in your multi-level marketing endeavors, treat mistakes as learning opportunities. Analyze what you did wrong and take measures not to repeat these mistakes. You really only learn by making mistakes and then adjusting your strategies accordingly. Study your failures to avoid making the same mistakes twice. If you have a problem, don't always handle it alone. Use your network, and get help from the other employees of your company. Not asking for assistance when you need it may lead to failure. Look for assistance as soon as you notice you are encountering an issue, and make sure you define your problem as clearly as possible. Participating in online forums is the best way to start building your network marketing. There are many network marketing forums which will offer great advice for your start-up. Search the Internet for an online forum that you like, and invest a little bit of time on it everyday in order to pick up advice from other professionals in the business. Consider structuring your mlm website as a learning tutorial. Providing clear, easy-to-follow tutorials and how-tos can boost traffic and encourage visitors to spend more time perusing your site. These suggestions will help you find new connections for your network, and it will bring you more profits. You can see from this article that there is a great deal of research and work involved in network marketing in order to get results and profits. The "doing the work" part is especially important to your overall profits. If you can recall what you have just learned while you are put your business into play, then you will already be on the path to success.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Build a Winning Team

Success in home based business or network marketing business is completely on the basis of a team work. Your ability to assemble and lead a high-performance team of motivated individuals is one of the keys to your value and effectiveness as a team leader at every stage in your business. An extensive study has been done to identify the characteristics of winning team. Today we know more about how we can assemble a winning team than ever before. Just as you use a recipe to prepare a dish in kitchen, a specific recipe has been proven to work in building a high performance, self-directed work team. When you apply this recipe-these ideas and principles-on a regular basis, until they become habitual and automatic, you will get far greater results from your people than you ever imagined possible. There are five characteristics common in any or all winning teams. Shared goals In a home based business environment you need to create smoothly functioning team, where everyone is clear about what the team is expected to accomplish. The goals of the team are shared and discussed by everyone. Each team member gives his or her ideas and input into how the goals and objectives can be best achieved. What does a Shared Goal look like? An effective team goal is SMART. The goal describes a Specific outcome as clearly defined, and unambiguous as possible. We know when we've reached the goal because it is Measureable. Our metrics tell us when we've arrived at success. We will arrive because the goal is Achievable. We have the skills, knowledge and resources to accomplish it. The goal is Relevant to the larger mission of the organization. It's also timely and can be accomplished reasonably in the intended timeframe. Shared Values Home based business or network marketing can only be built on shared values. It is built on the values of passion, honesty, trust, integrity, punctuality, boldness, open-communication, responsibility for completing the task, and assisting each other in accomplishing their goals. Shared Plans In home based business your success depends upon the success of other team members in your group. You need to encourage and ensure each member in your group is willing to take the charge of their business. They should be willing to accept responsibility for completing the task given to them. Note: if the person is committed but not ready to take the charge, do not force that person to take on the responsibility. If you try to push other members of your team, chances are these persons will quit. You are building a team of volunteers, so be respectful of others ability and competency. Clear Leadership There must always be a leader in any team. Leaders are fundamental to highly effective teams because they set the vision and they bring the team together. Leadership position is not just because of some artificial authority, but because the team recognizes that without their leadership, the team would not be the same, and might not even exist. When you start home based business or network marketing, you are the leader for your team and you must take charge of your business. The leader sets an example for the others. The leader becomes the role model. The success of a team member is of utmost importance to the leader, even when leader's attention is diverted. Jealousy and envy is never part of the equation. In a highly effective team, the leader is proud of each team member's accomplishments, just like a parent would be. Bring Team Together One of the most important things you do in building a peak performance unit is to hold regular team meetings. Bring your people together weekly, at a fixed time, to talk, discuss, catch up on progress, learn how each of the associate is doing, provide training, share ideas, opinions, and other insights with regards to the business.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Finding and Starting an Online Business

When speaking to new leads one of the first questions I am asked is how much will it cost me? The simple answer is, How Much Do You Want To Make? The cost of starting your own business is very relevant, to what you want to invest, and like the old saying goes, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. There are many online home based business products that are flooding the internet today. Many sell for less than $100. The question is what are you really getting, what kind of training is there, is there any guarantee that if you're not satisfied can you get your money back after examining the product, and what kind of support is provided. This is not to say that all products are bad. Many of the products sold have no contact information, especially a phone number. To me this is a Red Flag about the product. You are being sold a product that many times a buyer may have issues on getting started, and can be confused simply by not being familiar with the marketing process Online marketing does not have to be difficult, IF you have the right Training, Coaching and Mentoring to provide the support to get you off and running with your own business. A good program will normally have online support through daily Webinars, Phone Call Groups, and good e-mail notifications on what is happening within the system dealing with updates It is a fact that to get the most out of Online Marketing, you need to follow a step by step process where you build on each learning step and master the techniques before moving on to other ways of marketing. Not following the training laid out that has been designed to reduce the learning curve, can spell disaster for a new Online Marketer where you become confused and discouraged. It is alright to move in a slow pace forward, learning as you progress. The main thing is DON'T STOP. If you are serious about starting your own business and work from home, it is essential that you do your home work. When you find a Home Business that interests you, do the research. Check out Online reviews, in either text of video. You can find a lot of information about the product and then make an educated decision. Who is your sponsor, how long have they been promoting the product, what type of success have they had, can you contact them? Cost can be a factor in starting your business, but don't let it be a major deterrent because if the product is good and it meets the guidelines that make you comfortable regarding support, training and coaching, then you more than likely have found a good product.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

5 Top Myths of Network Marketing

Network Marketing has had its fair share of misconceptions and myths. Here are 5 top myths in the industry that must be put to rest. Myth One: All Network Marketing Opportunities are scams! Network Marketers peddle bad business opportunities and take advantage of new, upcoming newbies. They prey on the lack of true knowledge and promise you will make thousands of dollars in the first week. Honest, seasoned network marketers are just as disgusted with these scam artists as the victims that fall prey to them. Network marketing, just like any other business, takes hours of hard work and dedication in order to grow a successful home business. Network leaders must learn how to market one-on-one as well as online. In addition, successful marketers learn the proper steps and align themselves with quality products and services to achieve financial success. Honest home business leaders will train, guide and support their team, while learning the skills of the trade. They will never promise you a push button answer to great wealth. Myth Two: In order to succeed at network marketing, you must buy leads. This couldn't be further from the truth. Buying leads is an option but not a smart way to get targeted recruits, these lists are totally generic and unfortunately most names on these lists are not interested in your home business. Many people will be quite irritated with your cold calls and will hang up on you. You end up spinning your wheels making hundreds of call to all the wrong people. Myth Three: Just set up your business and forget about it, it will run itself. Well, in the world of fantasy that would be grand, but in the real business world it takes real work. When you bring new recruits into your business, you have a responsibility to train these people and help them get off to a successful start. Without proper support, most of these people will buy in, try it for a month and then quit. It's hard work building a successful home business but the challenge rests on your shoulders and it is up to you to put in the hard work to help others achieve success. Trained people are happy... successful people. Myth Four: You can join a network marketing business for free and roll in thousands of dollars a month. This, like Myth One, is just not going to happen. Poor businesses claim you can join for free and they will build your downline for you. They are just blatantly lying to you. Myth Five: Social Sites are only for socializing not for serious home business-minded people. This concept is just not true, don't believe it. Places like Facebook are ideal avenues for creating a network of people eager to join your network marketing business opportunities. It is true, you need to start off slowly and let people get to know you. Once you have won the confidences of others, in the community, they will be more than eager to hear what you have to say. Through posting helpful, valuable information, many eyes will be reading what you have to say and will give a great deal of thought regarding your home business. Never underestimate Social Sites. You have thousands of eyes reading what you have to say, you have thousands of perspective recruits. Myths in the network marketing industry will not die down anytime soon. There are people looking for a magic wand and will never find one. Honest, dedicated network marketers will continue doing what they do best, working their network marketing business and passing their knowledge on to those who wish to learn.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Keys to MLM Success

You discovered a multi-level networking program you feel could work for you, and you've researched the initial investments and requisites. You're raring to go, and why not? You're about to embark a life of MLM success, but getting there takes that all-important first step. How do you achieve your goals? It's a matter of using your creative business savvy and determination to see your plan to fruition. Ask the experts, and they'll tell you that MLM success doesn't come instantly. Yes, you'll find that some of the big earners in your program can bring in high numbers monthly with little effort, but getting there involved time well spent with potential team members also in search of MLM success. Unless you make the first move, you'll find your program stuck with the wheels spinning. Avoid the ruts and keep your focus moving forward on the goals you want to reach. **Discouragement is Not Welcome. We'd like to tell you that you won't encounter resistance, but it happens. Some friends or family will tell you, "Oh, what you're doing is a scam," or similar, but consider this: would you called Tupperware a scam? Mary Kay? These are trusted brands people have used for decades, and when they began like just about all products on the consumer market - small. Through word of mouth and networking by determined distributors they have become the tops in their respective industries. Regardless of the size of your program, there is potential for growth if you believe it exists. **If You Build It... Yes, you know the rest. Part of achieving MLM success is building trust. If you can't family and friends, who's left? When those you love are aware of the products you sell and see how well they changed your life, of course they wish to know more. You use this in to guide them toward the possibilities open to them - not only improving life, health, relationships, but shifting toward a more manageable way of life working for themselves. Know your course of action, gather your contacts, and weed away any obstacles. Stay focused and positive to achieve MLM success.

Monday, June 11, 2012

How to Avoid Calling MLM Leads

OK OK. I admit it - I was a phone junkie. I used to get the jitters if it got to midday and I hadn't made some calls. Call it withdrawal symptoms if you like. If I went for an extended period of time without making a call my guilt COMPELLED me to start 'dialling for dollars' again. And dial I did. Ringy Dingy 1. Ringy Dingy 2. Ringy Dingy 3. Oh yes - love calling those leads. And you know something? For a few years I actually convinced myself that I really and truly LIKED calling those leads. Delusional. But after my wife died last year I started to re-evaluate things a bit. I decided that I would not be involved with work activities that didn't enrich my life. I decided that no longer would I do something just because it made me money. And because of my changed circumstance I came to the conclusion that I did not like making calls to unqualified leads. I got sick of psyching myself up every day to make those calls. I got sick of talking to people who did not have a clue. Call 'em turkeys, call 'em what you like, but most of these people were value subtractors. So I decided that I was not going to talk to value subtractors any more. I decided that if people were going to talk to me, they had to earn the right to do so. To do that I needed to build a sales funnel that positioned me as the go to guy for making money online, which is exactly what I've been doing the last couple of months. Here are some of the features of the sales funnel: 1. Drive traffic to my page 2. Encourage people to opt in to my page. 3. Use email marketing to build relationships with people who opt in. 4. Offer a free consultation in return for respondents satisfactorily completing an application form. 5. Invite people to explore profit making options based on the outcome of the aforementioned consultation. After spending years calling thousands of leads I have decided to grow a brain and work smarter not harder. What about you? Ready to step up to the next level? The Wrap Up So to summarise here is how I eliminated the need to cal leads: 1. Improved My Email Communications. What I've found is that if you establish a relationship with people via effective email marketing, there is less requirement for you to phone the leads early in the sales process. In fact what I do now is require that all prospects complete an application form before I talk to them. 2. Outsourced Phone Follow Up. Hire someone to do the work for you. Simple. Please note that the above strategies work best when you are generating inbound leads. That is, you are using 'pull marketing' techniques so that people make an enquiry to you. The above strategies do not work if you are an old style network marketer using 'push marketing' techniques, whereby you approach people to look at your business. Generating inbound leads is a skill worth learning. It will mean that people approach you instead of you have to constantly make calls. First step is to learn about my pull marketing strategy. Kim Willis has been making 6 figures from home since he started as an online marketer, in 2006. He now helps other people do the same. It starts with leads - generating plenty of them on a daily basis. Get his Network Marketing Tips here.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Alternate MLM Strategies - LinkedIn Marketing

Today, LinkedIn is perhaps the most important professional networking platform. Launched in 2003, it had over 150 million users and from over 200 countries and territories, in hundreds of languages, as of February 2012. The best part about this site is that you find targeted professionals and groups directly. While using social media for marketing is not new, using LinkedIn Marketing for business has its own charm for its different set of rules. As a self imposed code of conduct, I found individuals and group members to post content or comments in a very professional and cultured style. Exceptions apart, that happens anywhere. This aspect sets LinkedIn apart from the rest of social networking platforms. It place Linked as probably the best social media marketing tool for business. For a serious marketer LinkedIn represents a unique and lucrative opportunity to market himself as a "brand". All MLM professionals recognize and understand the relevance of "Me Brand". The quality of your content and the value it brings to the group members, establishes you as an authority, a guru or a knowledgeable person on your topic. Use LinkedIn for Business The art of business promotion and making money from LinkedIn is not much different than for using social media for marketing sites like Facebook or Twitter. The advantage is that here you are interacting with your target group directly. To that extent the process of filtration of your contact group becomes easier and quicker. Further, the knowledge gap between you and your target group is much narrow. Of course, the quality and quantum of knowledge differs. It is this differential knowledge gap or lag that represents an opportunity for you to slip in your offer as a recommendation to the knowledge or help seeker. The rider being "provided he seeks your help". I have often wondered why one does not see some of the otherwise active names from the MLM world on LinkedIn. Could it be that it is difficult to sell a "Rich by Click" product to a professional? A professional see through such scams. It is also difficult to offer products at $7.99 or 9.99 in hope of a backend up sale. A professional will not fall for these sleazy tricks. Having said this, let's see the steps in the LinkedIn marketing process. The principles remain the same. Generate Leads, Leads and more Leads. There are two sources of attracting leads into your system, "Your Profile" and "Your Knowledge". Let's visit these factors. Your Profile Your profile is the strongest pull for leads. Attract leads through a professionally crafted profile. Unlike other social networking sites, at LinkedIn, your profile picture plays a very important role. Being a professional site it is formal. I would therefore recommend having a picture in a business jacket at least. The profile must be crisp and to the point, establishing you as an authority. Your profile picture, description, experience, education and achievements establishes you as a professional. Now you must establish two more personality traits, "Integrity" and "credibility". For that you must have a number of recommendations from people with who you have worked before or companies you have dealt with. These recommendations act as your testimonials. All serious profile visitors go through the recommendations to gauge your capabilities and professional standing. I would strongly suggest that before setting up your profile, you go through the LinkedIn guide. Knowledge - Your Content and Interaction within the Group You must regularly post value added content. The quality of your interaction within the group will also act as an attraction. These actions will establish your professional credibility and invoke the curiosity to know more about you. You see what is happening...your content and social behavior is channeling people to your profile again - to your leads funnel. My observation about LinkedIn culture is that people are expected to share knowledge through content, interactions, display of specific skills and so on. I have rarely seen people offering a product or an opportunity blatantly. This all happens behind the scene once you have the leads in your system. Chase your Profile Viewers As a daily routine, you should check who all visited your profile in the past 24 hours. These are the people who have walked that extra mile to your profile, the proof of their interest in you. Let me ask you a simple question. When do you view someone's profile? Only when there is a curiosity about the person or when you want to connect with a person. In both cases, you have someone who has walked the way to your door. It is now your turn to take over and build a relationship. Open the Door Yes, if the person who viewed you profile is from your known group, the task becomes simple. After a cooling period of 24 hours or so, pick up the phone and talk to him. Just say "Hi, just connecting, it has been a while since we talked". The magic starts. You are getting a raw lead into your money funnel. From here on repeat the same tactics that you use in any other MLM script. For those who viewed your profile and are not from your known group, the best way of breaking the ice is a direct message via LinkedIn. Inform the viewer that you were excited to find that he viewed your profile recently. Tell him on what you do and ask him if you could be on any help to them. You would see the magic unfolding over a period. Leads to Recruit The process of converting a lead into a recruit is the same, be it Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. You have to wait for the right opportunity to put forth your product to the lead when he or she requests you to. This will give you the chance to convert the lead not only into a prospect but also as a recruit who gives you both residual and leveraged income. Caution! At LinkedIn, majority of people who come into your funnel are middle or top level executives, CXO's or the likes. A few may even be owners and entrepreneurs. Your results will therefore depend on the style, professionalism and perfectionism that you display in your written and verbal communication with them. LinkedIn is the best social media marketing tool for any business. What are you waiting for? Start now. Best of luck!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Leadership Skills to Help Progress Your Downline

Success in MLM business depends on leadership to survive. A leader's action and thoughts affect the performance of the whole team. Having said so, a leader must also learn how to respect leadership skills. Disrespect could mean the destruction of your own downline. Leadership in the network marketing how to is the foundation of building success in MLM business. Therefore, it is an honor to be a leader. Check out these rules to follow on how to lead a successful team: A) Being a leader, you must develop how to influence your team and others to follow. Promote other leaders within your downline to lead there group. Developing more leaders will enable them to take your role while you climb to higher responsibilities. B) To be an excellent leader, you need to unify your downline. Create a strong bond between each member to make him or her grow bigger as well. Aside from a member's individual goal, you should set a team goal for everyone to participate into. Share with everyone on how they will benefit from the team's achievement. C) Your downline believes in you as their sponsor. Therefore, great decisions depend on you. Make sure to give out firm decisions for them to follow what you say. Handling problems your way can make or break the success. If it makes you stop and think whether it's right or wrong, then something's wrong. Do the right thing, no matter what. D) All talk and no action will make your downline want to leave your team. Lead them to succeed by showing them profitable earnings. Gaining earnings monthly will make them respect and trust you. Earnings might go beyond just the money, create a purpose for you team by either educating people or helping those lead better lives. E)How to MLM tips is an example of a living success. Establish your own reputation for them to believe in your orders. The actions you expect from your downline must first come from you. This will also be your testing platforms that if you cannot do it, don't expect your downline to do the same. Teach by demonstrating to motivate them better in learning. F) Practice compassion and humility. You can't do it all alone without the help of others. Remember that you may be the leader but still, you're a part of something, the activity of others gets the job done. Compassion on the other hand gives you a better understanding of what and where your members are coming from. Leaders who know how to show compassion without pampering makes the team stronger.

Friday, June 8, 2012

When Is the Absolute Best Time to Be In Network Marketing?

NOW! Network marketing is the prime business to be in during recessions. Instead of bitching and complaining over the slow economy, you should be grateful for this time because it is an even bigger opportunity to recruit people into your business. Why? Because there is tons of uncertainty in the economy today. People are actively searching for alternative ways to make more money and you can be there to offer them the solution. In fact, when the economy is doing well, it can actually be harder to sell people on network marketing. When the economy is vibrant and booming, people's jobs are secure so they really don't have a need to search for alternative sources of income. When you pitch people your network marketing company during a booming economy it is seen as too risky. Why would they go out and get into this shady "pyramid scheme" when they can safely stay in their jobs where they have guaranteed income? And while you and I may understand that this in no way is a "pyramid scheme", the fact is there is no incentive for them to try something different when things are going well for them at what they are already doing. ON THE OTHER HAND....when the economy is in a recession people are losing their jobs, companies are going out of business, and peoples' 401k's are losing their value fast. Now don't you think introducing your business during these times is 10x better than when people are sitting comfortable in their jobs? Don't you think people are more motivated to replace their income during these tough economic times? You don't think they'd be willing to take a risk on this formerly called "pyramid scheme" in order to recover some of their 401k losses? OF COURSE THEY WOULD! But you have to be ready and willing to go out their and hunt for those people. You have to take it upon yourself to present network marketing to more and more people who need it more than they ever have. Your fear of talking to prospects isn't helping anyone and if you sincerely believe, as I do, that network marketing is one of the absolute best models for business, then you should have no hesitation to go out there and introduce as many people to your business as possible. You are doing them a favor by showing them this business model. If you truly care about helping people, then you will not hesitate to present this opportunity to them. So the next time you complain about how difficult it is to grow your network marketing business, just remember that you're doing this in the most opportune time in decades and if you can't do it now, there's no way you'd be able to do it in a good economy.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Network Marketing: Is It A Serious Business, A Joke Or A Fraud: Which Is It? You Be The Judge

Whether you are interested in network marketing or not, you probably know of someone that is involved in one. Most people are acquainted with someone, or they know someone who knows someone who is involved in network marketing, but they could care less. If asked to comment they would immediately say, "You mean one of those pyramids?" Meaning of course something illegal. Other then that the only time there is a negative reaction is when a friend or acquaintance falls prey to the guy drawing the little circles on the white board. This of course is cause for the usual shaking of the head and the sad look of pity, as they perceive that another comrade has fallen victim to the dream catchers. And there are websites that expose the evils of the network marketing industry and offer support for the poor devils that have been brain washed into dreaming of a better life. They forget to mention the fact that there are perils in starting up any business and that the success rate varies little with either kind, as those in the network marketing industry are well aware. This does not stop the naysayer's however, from putting up websites such as the, "MLM Survivors Club," linked to a "MLM Survivor Rules" page. I guess rules are needed for survivors too. The truth is never found by reading a book written by a frustrated or disillusioned ex marketer or anyone that has given-up. These kinds of books however, make the authors large sums of money, because they quite often become best sellers. Never however, listen to a frustrated loser even if he writes a good story. You want the facts, as seen through the eyes of a winner. With that being said where does all that leave those who are still passionate about the network marketing business? It changes nothing as there will always be believers and those that refuse to take network marketing seriously. For those of us who go to the events and listen to the webinars of the winners, the negative rhetoric need not have any influence. Even though the network marketing industry is sometimes given a bad rap, the critics fall silent when the 6 and 7 figure income earners such as Ray Higdon, Michelle Pescosolido, Rob Fore, and David Wood, etc. go on stage and strut their stuff. Even though only 2-3% make it in network marketing the odds are not a whole lot different for conventional marketing. Let's put it in perspective. How many of your friends in the last ten years have started up a successful business with as little overhead and are still in business. And if they did go out of business as most of them will statistically within the first five years, they won't be out just a few hundred to a few thousands of dollars, it will be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Hold on to your dreams and don't lose your passion for a better life for yourself and your family. Network marketing is not for the faint at heart but as Ray Higdon say, "Discipline trumps talent," keep focused and don't lose sight of your dreams.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Success in Network Marketing: How to Boost Your Sponsoring Efforts

Becoming a success in network marketing is a systematic process. It involves time and commitment to make it work. While choosing the right opportunity and sponsor is important, the most important thing is finding and connecting with people. If you truly want to be a success, here are some items you should focus on. Learn to market to people. While a lot of people start with their warm market when starting a business, the real money is in finding leads and bringing them to your business. There are lots of methods to do this. Twitter, Facebook, Craigslist, YouTube and others. The key here is producing enough leads so that you have a constant stream of prospects to talk to. You will need upwards of 5 leads a day coming to look at what you have to offer. This is a starting goal you need to work towards. Think of leads and your business will grow. Marketing professionals focus their effort on finding people and bringing them into their businesses. The best leaders in network marketing know that the secret to success in network marketing is in the numbers. When they put time in their business they think leads and you should too. Spend your time finding tools that will produce you more leads and you will be way ahead of the game. No one is born knowing how to get more leads; you have to learn about what the leaders are doing and copy it. Build an attraction marketing sales system. What is attraction marketing? It's a way of building personal relationships with people and getting them to trust you rather than giving sales pitches up front. The phrase "Attraction Marketing" was made famous by Mike Dillard and its how many people are building their success in network marketing. Getting to know people, find out about their problems and solve them is the way to attract people to you. Once people come to know you and trust you, they become more open to listening to what you have to say. Spend your time sponsoring and recruiting. This is another way of saying you need to build a list of people and spend time giving them valuable information they need. When you initially get someone to contact you, you should make an effort to reach out, give that person a call and find out why they contacted you in the first place. Professional marketers also use an auto responder to send out valuable information and offers people on their list may be interested in. Statistics say that it usually takes a prospect several times to look at what you have to offer before they buy. Learn to be persistent and stay in touch. Invest in your education and become a market professional. This is a business and you have to treat it like one. Practice at talking to prospects by learning from people who are good at it. Buy marketing courses from those who are already masters at it. Go to seminars; learn special techniques like how to use Twitter, Facebook and other social marketing sites to get leads. Amateurs are the ones who follow the herd and get left behind. Take the initiative to learn success in network marketing, you and your business will be the better for it.